Many plants oblyubovyvayut human dwellings in order to calmly on them to grow. And sometimes people do all sorts of creepers are planted, so they gave their house a picturesque view. This may be a wild vine, ivy, bryony, or something more exotic. Sometimes these plants give solidity to the building, and at times –abandoned, some post-apocalyptic look.

2) House in Half Moon Bay, California.

4) overgrown with bindweed house in Detroit.

5) Curtea de Arges, Romania.

6) Dusseldorf, Germany.

7) Hotel Greenway in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England.

9) The University of Chicago, Illinois, USA.

10) Evanston, Illinois, USA.

11) Hamburg, Germany.

12) ivy-covered house in England.

13) Autumn view

14) Ireland

15) Northern California

16) in an undisclosed location

17) Geneva

18) Adolfustaun, CA

19) France

20) Fujisawa, Japan.

21) Miami, FL