
Tsunami Special Report ,Greatest Mysteries: What Happens Inside an Earthquake?

Greatest Mysteries: What Happens Inside an Earthquake?

Aerial view of the San Andreas fault slicing through the Carrizo Plain in the Temblor Range east of the city of San Luis Obispo.
Credit: Robert E. Wallace, USGS

Editor's Note: We asked several scientists from various fields what they thought were the greatest mysteries today, and then we added a few that were on our minds, too. This article is one of 15 in LiveScience's "Greatest Mysteries" series running each weekday.
When a sizable earthquake strikes, experts can explain exactly where it started and what type of fault is involved and maybe even predict how long aftershocks will last. But the strange truth is that seismologists and geophysicists are quite unsure of what happens inside the planet during a quake.

Earthquake physics has undergone a revolution during the past decade, thanks to new insights from lab experiments, field studies of exhumed faults and better theories.

But the nature and behavior of the forces that keep faults from moving and then suddenly fail are still unknown.

And when faults do move, something is missing—there is little to no evidence of the extremely high levels of friction and melting that would be expected to follow above ground when two giant rocks slid against each other.

"There are many reasons to believe that something exotic is happening," said Caltech geophysicist Tom Heaton.

"The problem of frictional sliding in earthquakes is one of the most fundamental problems in all of Earth science," Heaton said. "It has been a 30-year mystery story of figuring out the basic physics of the earthquake problem."

Gentle earthquakes

Most earthquakes happen where tectonic plates meet and glide against each other. Quakes occur when the frictional stress of the movement exceeds the strength of the rocks, causing a failure at a fault line. Violent displacement of the Earth's crust follows, leading to a release of elastic strain energy. This energy takes the form of shock waves that radiate and constitute an earthquake.

One of the strangest things about earthquakes is how gentle they are, Heaton said.

For instance, some scientists thought they had figured out how to simulate mini-earthquakes in the lab. But when they scale up the energies observed in the lab to the size of real faults, the model would predict extensive melting on faults. And such models predictdevastation far beyond what killed more than 500 people this week in Peru, more than 80,000 people in the 2005 Pakistan quake or more than a quarter of a million people in the 2004 earthquake off the coast of Sumatra.

"Earthquakes would be so violent that no living thing could survive the shaking," Heaton said.

Therefore, no one has actually simulated anything close to a real earthquake yet.

A machine design problem

The simulation problem lies partly in the fact that it's very difficult to make lab machines generate all the environmental conditions that occur miles below ground during an earthquake—including high stress, high pressure, elevated temperatures and a slip rate of about a yard per second (about the pace at which we walk).

David Goldsby and his rock mechanics colleagues at Brown University have designed machines that can apply the high stresses of temblors to rock specimens so the geophysicists can study friction at depth.

"We can apply normal stresses as high as occur throughout the entire seismogenic zone of the Earth's crust, about 10 kilometers [6 miles] in depth," he said.

That's incredibly impressive and important for earthquake science, but it still leaves a lot of questions unanswered, because what happens inside the Earth is so strange in magnitude and physics.

"No apparatus in the world is yet capable of meeting all of these criteria," Goldsby said.

Normal friction

Above ground, friction is a steady, stubborn force that opposes motion. Friction generates heat, as people with cold hands know, and increases with the stress you put on objects. So the heat on faults during sliding should increase with depth in the Earth. The rocks should definitely melt where they meet.

But underground, during earthquakes, two huge, hard, weight-pressurized rock slabs slip past or under each other. And nothing melts. Usually.

That's weird. It could be because the friction and thus the heat are much lower than you'd expect from rocks above ground, Goldsby said.

Earthquake friction works like this, Heaton said: It starts out high when there is little to no movement; then friction plummets to zero as the rocks move fast; then friction goes to high again when the rocks slow down.

That weird behavior of friction during an earthquake might be the reason there is little to no melting, Goldsby said. If friction is low when the rocks move fast, then much less heat is generated and no detectable melting occurs.

Maybe some other mechanism kicks in before the rocks get to their melting phase, Heaton said.

One explanation is "flash heating." Faults are stuck in place by very high forces. Once faults start sliding, if they slide fast enough, they become extra slippery at microscopic contact points, like skaters on ice. Heat is generated, but the result is a zero-friction, high-temperature cushiony flash of light or superheated gas called plasma that yields no detectable melted material, Heaton said. When the faults slow down, they stick tight again.

Another idea is that pressurized water in the rocks during a slip could decrease the stress on the fault and therefore the friction, Goldsby said. Faults might ride on a cushion of steam, allowing the fault to slide at low friction and the rock heat would not reach the melting point.

Ripple in the rug

The key to understanding earthquakes is actually not where they start but how the fracture spreads, and that has a lot to do with the weird behavior of underground friction, Heaton says.

The highest sliding velocities happen at the leading edge of a pulse of slip that runs through the Earth like a ripple in a rug, says Heaton, who described this fault behavior in a landmark paper 17 years ago.

Think of a fault as a rug that you want to move, he said. You can just pull the rug from the edge. That's the hard way to move it. The easy way to move a rug is to "put a little bump in it and move the bump and when you're done, you've offset the rug," he explained.

Friction is in a yin-yang arrangement with those slip-pulses, it turns out, Heaton said. "The slip in the pulse depends on the friction, but it turns out the friction turns on how fast the slip is happening," he said. "That's a math problem, a positive feedback system. They are notoriously unstable."

If you knew how big a pulse would be, you could predict an earthquake's magnitude, but the exotic behavior of friction underground botches all that up, Heaton said.

Still, the revolution in the field of earthquake physics has brought new insights, Goldsby said.

"I am not only hopeful but certain that we will learn even more about how earthquakes occur in the coming decade," he said. "This knowledge will help us understand how to mitigate the damaging effects of earthquakes and help prevent the loss of life, and may someday allow us to detect earthquake precursors."

Atom Breaks Rules, Beats Friction

Natural Disasters: Top 10 U.S. Threats

Why the China Quake Was So Devastating

Tsunami Earthquake Three Times Larger Than First Thought

Deadliest Earthquakes in History

San Andreas Fault Longer Than Thought

What's the Deadliest Natural Phenomenon?

natural disasters, fatalities, death, destruction
Drought and flooding are the most deadly natural phenomenon.

Hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes might seem like the most dangerous natural hazards you could ever face, but floods and droughts actually kill more Americans over time.
Better predictions for hurricanes and other tropical cyclones, as well as tornadoes, have reduced the death tolls from such events in recent decades. But flooding deaths are on the rise.
On average, U.S. flooding kills more than 100 people a year — more than any other single weather hazard, including tornadoes and hurricanes, according to the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). Most flood deaths are from flash floods, however, and about half of those are because people try to cross swollen streams or flooded roads. Victims often underestimate the power of water when driving into flooded areas, UCAR scientists note, adding that it takes only 18 inches of water to float a typical vehicle.
Flooding deaths have risen in recent decades, and the U.S. Congress's Office of Technology Assessment says that "despite recent efforts, vulnerability to flood damages is likely to continue to grow" because populations in flood-prone regions continue to grow.
Heat waves rarely make lists of the deadliest natural disasters, but in modern times their death tolls have surpassed other phenomena in the United States.
In both 1980 and 1988, for example, severe drought and heat ravaged the central and eastern parts of the country. Estimated deaths due to heat stress approaching 10,000 in each case and the economic toll each time reached tens of billions of dollars.
Over half of all deaths from natural disasters worldwide are due to drought and famine, according to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Droughts can decrease the availability of potable water and can ruin crops, making food scarce.
Droughts and floods could take a higher toll in the future as global warming increases the prevalence of these events in certain areas, scientists say.

Voice of Reason: The Myth of Tsunami Survivors' Sixth Sense

Shortly after the Dec. 26, 2004 tsunami tragedy, stories and news reports appeared making claims that animals and aboriginal tribes had escaped the danger because they possessed a mysterious "sixth sense" that somehow warned them in time. For example: "no dead animals have been found as a result of the tsunami, confiming animals' sixth sense" and "no one has found dead animals in the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami" (Note 1).
These reports are simply incorrect. Many news and eyewitness accounts described dead animals among the debris and carnage. The Washington Post, for example, reported, "In the coastal town of Velanganni...volunteers wearing face masks drove around in trucks Tuesday, picking up cattle carcasses..." (Note 2)
So dead animals were found--but were they found in fewer numbers than some might have expected? To begin with, it's unclear how many animals would be expected to have been killed by the tsunami, since coastal regions don't necessarily have a high concentration of large animals to begin with.
But for the sake of argument, let's say that fewer animals were killed than some might have expected. Is this evidence of a paranormal "sixth sense?"
The fact that animals often have keener senses than humans is obvious and well-documented. Dogs have a remarkable sense of smell, birds can migrate using celestial cues, and bats can locate food with echoes. (Though animals' other senses are often worse than those of humans -- elephants have very poor distance vision, for example.) Animals may sense unusual vibrations or changes in air pressure coming from one direction that suggests they should move in the opposite direction. Let's say a herd of animals are seen fleeing to higher ground. All that is needed is for one or two of them to skittishly sense danger and head out; the rest will follow, not necessarily due to some preternatural sense but simple herd instinct.
Similarly, members of primitive tribes who inhabit the Andaman and Nicobar Islands are said to have been forewarned: "They can smell the wind. They can gauge the depth of the sea with the sound of their oars. They have a sixth sense which we don't possess" (Note 3). (The "sixth sense" label is a bit of a myth anyway, since the human body has other senses, such as balance and pressure, that are not counted in the usual five.)
As with the animals, one needn't posit a mysterious sixth sense; the other five are more than capable of warning about impending danger. The fact that an ancient seafaring people (as opposed to, say, German tourists on holiday) might recognize the signs of an impending tsunami is hardly surprising. In the aftermath of the tragedy, many miraculous stories of courage and survival emerged, but tales of supernatural abilities aren't among them.

Tsunami Special Report

The earthquake and tsunami of Dec. 26, 2004 combined to create a disaster in Asia that is among the worst in recorded history. Though significant tsunamis are rare, it was not the first event of its kind.
Tsunamis have proven incredibly deadly in the past. In 1896 a tsunami caused 27,000 deaths in Japan. A combination of earthquake, fire and tsunami centered around Lisbon, Portugal killed 60,000 people in 1755.
Just two weeks before the Asian catastrophe, scientists revealed the threat of a megatsunami in the Pacific Ocean that could be triggered by a subsea landslide. In recent days, other researchers warned of the potential for a 9.0-magnitude earthquake and tsunami that could hit the West Coast of the United States. There is a warning system in the Pacific, and now officials in India plan to set one up. Also, the United States now is planning to set up a global tsunami warning system
Tsunamis from near-shore earthquakes can begin striking a coast within minutes, however.
For a tsunami triggered by an earthquake in the Cascadia fault zone off the U.S. West Coast, some residents would have about 15 minutes to get to high ground, says Robert Yeats, professor emeritus of geosciences at Oregon State University.
Should you worry? While coastal residents ought to be aware of the threat, experts say, there are many other things to worry about. Heart disease, accidents, war, famine, disease and shootings are far more likely killers than anything Nature dishes out. 

Mystery Behind Monday's 'Great' Earthquake

Monday's 8.7-magnitude earthquake off the coast of Sumatra apparently did not generate a significant tsunami, despite originating in the same area as the Dec. 26 earthquake that unleashed towering killer waves across the Indian Ocean.
The reason remains a mystery for now.
Fault Types

Strike-slip faults move horizontally. Normal and reverse faults involve vertical movement. Thrust faults involve angled vertical movement.
"This new event is very significant - what we call a great earthquake," said Jian Lin of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. "Events of this magnitude always have a good chance to create a tsunami."
Nature's fault
Monday's quake occurred about 120 miles southeast of the magnitude 9.3 earthquake of last December. The previous rupture - which had eight times the energy of the one Monday - was on a subduction zone, where the India continental plate slides beneath the Burma plate. This area is also called a thrust, or dip-slip, fault.
"A thrust fault, where one side goes up and one side goes down, is the perfect type for a tsunami," Lin told LiveScience in a telephone interview.
Another type of fault, called strike-slip, involves two plates sliding horizontally with respect to each other. This kind of motion does not generally cause the kind of water displacement, or paddle effect, necessary to create a tsunami.
Lin thought that Monday's event was a thrust fault temblor. "From my experience, a strike-slip would not have been this big," he said.
Two aftershocks to Monday's quake each measured more than magnitude 6. In fact Monday's event is likely to be considered an aftershock to the Dec. 26 temblor, scientists say.
Geologists puzzle over why certain earthquakes of similar magnitude - particularly in the central Pacific - do not unleash tsunamis.
Lin explained that other factors can determine whether a tsunami will form, like the depth at which the rupture occurs.
"Shallower events will have a huge effect," he said.
The December 2004 earthquake originated 6 miles (10 km) below the seafloor. The focus of Monday's quake was 18.6 miles (30 km) down, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. But Lin said that this is misleading, since geologists give this value as a default until they are able to make more precise measurements.
If the earthquake occurred deep in the Earth, then the resulting tsunami could be very small. A buoy monitored by Australian officials indeed detected a small tsunami.

The March 28, 2005 earthquake and aftershocks as of 4:30 p.m. ET. Click for full image
"My suspicion is that [the earthquake] has created a tsunami," Lin said. Other scientists agreed.
Lin said it is likely that satellites or hydrographic stations in the area will later detect tsunami signatures.
Not a surprise
The location of Monday's event could very likely be part of the aftermath of the December catastrophe. Lin explained that the release of stress in one part of a fault can increase stress in another part, increasing the likelihood of an earthquake.
Other geologists had warned just two weeks ago that the December quake added stress to the fault that could cause another very large release of energy at any time.
"We expected that this part of the subduction zone has been stressed by the Dec. 26 earthquake," Lin said. The new earthquake "is not a surprise."
According to Lin, there is a "gap" in this vicinity, which has not experienced a stress-relieving rupture in 400 years. If the recent temblor is on this gap, then four-centuries-worth of pressure might finally have been lifted.
Maps: Recent Quakes
"That could be good news," Lin said. "If this final patch is gone, then the people in that area could get some relief."
But if today's rumblings were on the same part of the fault as the Dec. 23 event, then that final unrelieved patch would be feeling even more pressure now - increasing the likelihood of another rupture.
Geologists will be studying data from the event in coming days in an effort to learn more.


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