
Ganvié — An African City on Water

This is not a post about the flooding. This is a post about the town lake Ganve in Benin - the largest in Africa cluster of houses on the lake. Today 20 thousand people called Ganve his home. However, the city in the middle of the lake Nokoue appeared a long time - he has more than 500 years. It is sometimes called the Venice of Africa. In the early 17th century modern Benin called Dahomi and was one of the most powerful states in West Africa. The main ethnic and linguistic group there was a nation Von, whose representatives made a deal with the Portuguese. Instead of giving their people into slavery, they agreed with the Portuguese, they will hunt them and sell slaves from other tribes.  
Warriors of the tribe were numerous background and powerful, and very few people from other tribes to protect themselves from them. And then someone from the tribe of Tofino came up with something. The name of this wise man long ago lost in history, but he realized that you can use religious beliefs warlike tribe. According to legends, tribe background could not come near to the settlements on the water. According to the laws of the tribe any background a group of people who lived on the water were safe. Lake Nokoue is enormous. City Ganve appeared on its waters as a means by which people could escape slavery. Not surprisingly, the city name means those who have found peace here - it can be translated as "We survived."

This is not a post about the flooding. This is a post about the town lake Ganve in Benin - the largest in Africa cluster of houses on the lake. Today 20 thousand people called Ganve his home. However, the city in the middle of the lake Nokoue appeared a long time - he has more than 500 years. It is sometimes called the Venice of Africa. In the early 17th century modern Benin called Dahomi and was one of the most powerful states in West Africa. The main ethnic and linguistic group there was a nation Von, whose representatives made a deal with the Portuguese. Instead of giving their people into slavery, they agreed with the Portuguese, they will hunt them and sell slaves from other tribes.  
Warriors of the tribe were numerous background and powerful, and very few people from other tribes to protect themselves from them. And then someone from the tribe of Tofino came up with something. The name of this wise man long ago lost in history, but he realized that you can use religious beliefs warlike tribe. According to legends, tribe background could not come near to the settlements on the water. According to the laws of the tribe any background a group of people who lived on the water were safe. Lake Nokoue is enormous. City Ganve appeared on its waters as a means by which people could escape slavery. Not surprisingly, the city name means those who have found peace here - it can be translated as "We survived."

Interesting Facts About America And Americans

01. The average American consumes 800 grams per year of chewing gum. 50% of the gum is spit out on the sidewalks, park benches and under the seats in public transport.

02. According to statistics, during the World Cup football in the United States the average American worker spends at work to discuss games 10 minutes a day. Damage caused by neglect of the country more than $ 800 million.

03. The average American,  come to the doctor, express his complaints in 23 seconds. 68% of visits to doctors in America are somehow related to the presence of obesity or sm0king.

04. In the U.S., the largest number of restaurants, “McDonald’s”. On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of “McDonald’s” in Chicago opened the largest restaurant of this company, its 2230 square meters.

05. Car not only 0.2 percent of American families. In 82% of households have two vehicles: passenger cars and mini-veins. Both cars are usually bought on credit.

06. In each third of American families have pets. About 40 thousand American families keep at home urchins, although zoologists are not recommended, as in many states to keep a home urchin is prohibited by law.

07. In the U.S. there are more than 1,100 Satanic sects. In 1987 U.S. President Reagan publicly acknowledged “the important role of Satanism in contemporary American life,” and have passed laws expanding the rights of Satanists, including the adoption of the civil service.

08. In the U.S. there is no official language. English adopted as an official only at the level of some states.

09. Every day, Americans throw in the trash 20 000 TV, 150 thousand tons of packaging materials and 43 thousand tons of food.

10. Only 55% of Americans know that the sun – a star

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