
8 Uses of Walnuts


Walnut is nutritious food that complements a wide range of flavors. They contain a plant based source of omega 3 fatty acid and provide protein. Plus they are easy to find everywhere. Get into the habit of adding them to your healthy diet. Here are some reasons to use walnuts in your kitchen.
High in omega-3 fatty acids
A quarter cup of walnut provides 90 percent of the daily value.
Filled with good protein
A single serving has more protein than for instance one egg.
Rich source of minerals
Walnut is full of potassium, manganese, calcium, copper, magnesium, iron, selenium and zinc. Walnut has some of the highest antioxidant content of the tree nuts. Researchers found that two ounces of a daily doze reduces the growth of breast cancer tumors in humans.
Energizing breakfast
Walnut is free from having any trans fats or cholesterolMix a banana, plain fat free yogurt, walnuts and some honey in a blender for a breakfast smoothie which will keep you feeling energized throughout your day. Add chopped walnuts to the breakfast oatmeal or whole grain cereal.

Walnuts For Weight Loss


Health Wonders of Walnut Oil
It was in 1937 when researchers first discovered the health benefits of walnuts. Since then, many other studies have been done to further investigate the effects of walnut and walnut oil consumption on people’s health. The results say the same thing: walnut is good for you, being an excellent source of fiber, protein, omega 3, potassium, copper, and magnesium. Walnut oil is even more beneficial. The nutritional benefits that you’ll get from 50 grams of walnuts can be obtained in only 35 grams of walnut oil.
Below, you’ll find a compilation of top benefits of walnut oil for the skin, hair and health.


Gets rid of fungal infections
There are many types of fungal infections, the most common of which are athlete’s foot, ringworm, yeast infections, and jock itch (all of which can be treated with walnut oil). But probably the most stubborn that keeps on coming back is angular cheilitis. Angular cheilitis is a mouth corner infection that brings redness, inflammation and pain. It can also be caused by viral or bacterial infection. If it’s caused by fungi, it can be resolved with the application of walnut oil on the mouth corner cracks everyday. You might want to combine walnut oil with garlic, which has potent antibacterial properties, for optimal results.
Fights signs of skin aging
What’s the number one enemy of people who want to stay young-looking forever? Wrinkles, of course! For these people, walnut oil is heaven-sent. With its greasy texture and high nutritional content, it helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. It’s a wonderful remedy for those who want smooth, flawless, and young-looking skin. Apply walnut oil on your face and body once a day.
Treats psoriasis
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder that causes rapid growth of skin cells resulting in thick silvery patches on the skin. Although walnut oil won’t cure it, it can certainly alleviate the condition. Apply walnut oil on the affected areas of the skin or add it to your bathwater.
Treats eczema
With its high omega 3 fatty acid content that works as anti-inflammatory, walnut oil is useful for treating eczema. Also called atopic dermatitis, eczema is a chronic skin inflammation condition. To get best results, combine walnut oil with garlic juice before applying on the affected skin area. You’ll find the condition much better in as quick as 10 days.
Benefits of walnut oil for the hair
Prevent hair loss
One of the important benefits of walnut oil for the hair is prevention of hair loss. Again, thanks to omega 3 fatty acids, which prevent cell damage on the scalp, hair fall can be reduced significantly. Also, potassium helps by boosting cell regeneration and speeding up growth of hair.
Combats dandruff
Although not a serious ailment, dandruff can be pretty annoying. Solve this by applying and massaging walnut oil regularly on the scalp. It prevents flaky scalp that’s a usual precursor to dandruff.


Decreases risk of cardiovascular ailments
The omega 3 fatty acids in walnut oil keep levels of bad cholesterol down. By doing so, it reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease like atherosclerosis, heart attack, and many others. Walnut oil also promotes proper functioning of the blood vessels.
Tones down belly fat
Many of the superfoods you know of aids in weight loss by either suppressing the appetite or boosting the metabolism. It’s not that often that you find something specifically meant for cutting down belly fat. If this is your problem area, you’d want to throw away your cooking oil and start using walnut oil. It’s also a wonderful idea to add this to your vegetable salad as dressing.
Promotes good quality sleep
Sleep deprivation whether caused by stress or an underlying medical condition can result in poor health. Have a good night sleep by consuming walnut oil on a regular basis. Walnut oil has melatonin, which will help put your sleeping habits back in the right path.
Helps combat cancer
Walnut is among the top three nuts that are said to be the best sources of antioxidants. Antioxidants, as you probably know, neutralize the damage brought about by free radicals. The most positive effect of this is a reduction in the risk of cancer. The ellagic acid in walnuts also inhibits the replication of cancerous tumors.
All these health benefits are more than enough to make you want to use and consume walnut oil more often. The best way to do this is to use it as cooking oil for your daily meals

With their satisfying crunch and delicious taste, walnuts often play a starring role in trail mixes—and with their brain and cardio benefits, they should also star in your longevity health plan! Read on to find the many benefits of walnuts and give the tasty Walnut Muesli Parfait recipe a try.
In my new book, Secrets of Longevity Cookbook, I list walnuts as one of the top ten foods for health and longevity. How did I arrive at this top ten longevity list? During my twenty-five years of studying centenarians, I discovered that the same ten foods kept showing up again and again in the diets of long-living individuals, and walnuts definitely made the list. This is the sixth article in my monthly series that highlights these top ten longevity foods. If you’re just catching up, check out the longevity benefits of sweet potatoespeanutsgreen teaseaweed and sesame seeds!

Walnuts: Wonder Food for Your Brain

With its two lobes that resemble a brain, the walnut perfectly advertises its brain-boosting benefits. Rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids, walnuts protect cardiovascular health, improve cognitive function, and possess anti-inflammatory benefits that are helpful for asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis. The anti-inflammatory qualities are also thought to prevent obesity and help with weight maintenance—which may surprise you, given the high calorie and high fat content of walnuts. However, walnuts are full of high-quality fats and nutritious compounds, and as long as they are consumed in moderation, they will not negatively impact weight. Additionally, walnuts contain the antioxidant compound ellagic acid, which supports the immune system and is thought to have many anti-cancer properties. Want to know more? Check out walnuts in The Natural Health Dictionary.

Walnut Muesli Parfait

This recipe will get your brain and body started off on on the right note. A patient from Switzerland shared this recipe that her whole family has been eating for several generations—and living well into their nineties in good health. It is easy to see the longevity-promoting characteristics of this recipe: hearty, complex whole grains are combined with the protein of nuts and seeds and the probiotics of cultured yogurt. I changed her original recipe a little by replacing the whole milk yogurt with non-dairy yogurt, but you are welcome to use a high-quality dairy yogurt if you prefer. (Serves 4.)
  • 2 cups gluten-free rolled oats
  • 1/2 cup blanched, sliced almonds
  • 1/3 cup pecan halves
  • 1 cup walnut halves
  • 1/4 cup sunflower seeds
  • 1 cup fresh blueberries
  • 1/2 cup chopped fresh (or dried) figs (about 4 whole)
  • 1/2 cup chopped fresh (or dried) apricots (about 4 whole)
  • 1/2 cup chopped fresh (or frozen, then thawed to room temperature) strawberries (about 8 large whole)
  • 2 cups plain, live-culture soy or coconut yogurt
1. In a medium bowl, stir the oats, almonds, pecans, walnuts, and sunflower seeds together until combined. Add the blueberries, figs, apricots, and strawberries and gently mix until combined.   
2. Fill 4 parfait glasses one-third full with the nut/fruit mixture. Divide the yogurt between the glasses and spoon the remaining muesli evenly over the top of the yogurt in each glass. Serve immediately.

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