
The Crater Lakes on Earth ,Nyiragongo Crater and Mind Blowing Photos of Lava

The Crater Lakes on Earth

Crater Lake – a lake formed by the water filling a volcanic crater (indentation on the top of the volcano), the caldera (depression, formed due to the failure of the summit of the volcano), Maar (the crater of the explosion) or an impact craterthat appeared in the fall of cosmic bodies on the surface of the Earth .
Crater Lake is usually a circle high wall and is usually filled with rain water. The lens most interesting crater lake.

00 The Crater Lakes on Earth

El’gygytgyn, Chukotka

Crater Lake in Chukotka. The diameter of the lake – about 12 kilometers and a maximum depth – 174 meters. Crater Lake was formed about 3.6 million years ago. For the main hypothesis, it is either a shock or volcanic crater:
01 The Crater Lakes on Earth

Katmai, Alaska

This is a valid stratovolcano in the south of the Alaska Peninsula. The volcano is 10 km in diameter and has a caldera, filled a large lake, measuring 4.5 × 3 km, which was formed during the eruption of the volcano in 1912. The maximum height of atm, which is a crater lake – 2047 meters above sea level:

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Kilotoa, Ecuador

Caldera, a radius of 2 km was formed by a volcanic eruption about 800 years ago. Crater Lake has a depth of 250 meters and painted in a greenish color due to dissolved minerals. At the bottom of the lake there are cracks through which jets of gas rise.
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Crater lake in the Rift Valley, Africa

Rift – a large linear depression in the earth’s crust. Rift valley is located between the highest mountain systems in Africa – Virunga, Rwenzori and Mitumba. In the Rift Valley is Lake, including Lake Tanganyika, which is the world’s longest freshwater lake and one of the deepest (1470 meters).
04 The Crater Lakes on Earth

Crater Lake, Oregon

Crater Lake is known for its deep blue and clean water. It partially fills the caldera of the depth of 1220 meters, which appeared about 7700 years ago, after the destruction of Mount Mazama volcano.
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The dimensions of the crater lake: 8 to 9.5 km. The average depth of 350 meters and the maximum – 595 meters. Photo from space:
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This is the deepest lake in the U.S., the second deepest in North America.
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Pinatubo, Philippines

Pinatubo volcano is located on the Philippine island of Luzon at 93 kilometers north-west of the capital Manila.
In the vast crater of 2.5 km in diameter, formed by the eruption of 1991, formed a crater lake with rain food.
10 The Crater Lakes on Earth

“Lake of the five colors,” Japan

Mount Zao is located on the border of Yamagata and Miyagi prefectures. In the 1720s in the crater of the volcano after the eruption of the lake was formed OCAM. It is also called “five colors lake” because it changes color depending on the weather.
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The diameter of the crater lake is 360 meters, and depth – 60 m
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Crater Lake Taal volcano in the Philippines

Taal volcano is located in the Philippines, 50 kilometers from Manila.
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Crater Lake fills the caldera with a diameter of 25-30 kilometers, which was formed after the eruption of the fittest 100-500 thousand years ago.
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Deribo, Sudan

Crater Volcano Deribo sleeping, located at an altitude of 3042 meters, formed by the eruption of 3500 years ago. Its size – 5-8 km in diameter.
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View from space to the crater lake:
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Crater lake at Mount Ruapehu, New Zealand

The current stratovolcano Ruapehu in New Zealand is the highest point of North Island (2797 meters).
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At the top of the volcano (ma. photo above) is a crater lake:
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Yak Loum, Cambodia

This beautiful lake is located at 4000-year-old volcanic crater. It is almost perfectly round – 720 meters in diameter and has a depth of 50 meters. Around the crater lake is a lush tropical forest with many exotic birds.
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Kuril Lake, Russia

In the southern part of Kamchatka Peninsula is a large caldera, which has settled in the crater lake. Kurile Lake area – about 77 square meters. miles., the average depth of 195 meters, maximum depth of 316 meters. (Photo by Roman Murushkina ):
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Kuril Lake. View from space:
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Kelimutu, Indonesia

Volcano Kelimutu height 1639 meters is on the Indonesian island of Flores. There are three crater lakes, each a different color.
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In lakes, the various minerals dissolved Kelimutu, and because of this for a few years they change their color from black to turquoise, red-brown or green.
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Keriz crater lake, Iceland

Located in the south of Iceland . Caldera, which is a crater lake, is composed of red or black volcanic rock. The depth of the caldera – 55 meters, width – 170 feet, age – 3000 years. The very shallow crater lake – only 7-14 meters in depth.
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Crater Lake at Likankabure, Chile

Likankabur – high stratovolcano 5920 m above sea level. The crater is a lake covered with ice most of the year. This is one of the high mountain lakes in the world.
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Geothermal Viti crater lake, Iceland

Askya – the current high stratovolcano 1510 m above sea level.
During a volcanic eruption in 1875, the caldera of about 45 square kilometers Two large lakes were formed. One of them – Viti crater lake geothermal diameter of about 100 m and a depth of about 7 meters. The water is milky blue. The photo is possible to distinguish swimmers of people:
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Heaven Lake, North Korea, China

Crater Lake and Tianchi Cheongju is located on the border of North Korea and China. Yet it is called the Heavenly Lake.
The crater was formed as a result of a strong eruption in 970. Crater lake shore is very steep. Flowing from the river forms a lake in the crater wall of a deep gorge with steep ledges, where the waterfalls are formed. The largest of these is located at the outer edge of the crater and has a height of 50 meters.
Heaven Lake is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the highest crater lake in the world – the height of the water surface is 2189 m
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Nyiragongo Crater: an Active Stratovolcano

Mount Nyiragongo is an active stratovolcano On the Virunga Mountains associated with the Albertine Rift. It is located inside Virunga National Park, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, about 20 km (12 mi) north of the town of Goma and Lake Kivu and just west of the border with Rwanda. The main crater is about two km wide and usually contains a lava lake. The crater presently has two distinct cooled lava benches within the crater walls – one at about 3,175 metres (10,417 ft) and a lower one at about 2,975 m (9,760 ft). Nyiragongo’s lava lake has at times been the most voluminous known lava lake in recent history. The depth of the lava lake varies considerably. A maximum elevation of the lava lake was recorded at about 3,250 m (10,660 ft) prior to the January 1977 eruption – a lake depth of about 600 m (2,000 ft). A recent very low elevation of the lava lake was recorded at about 2,700 m (8,900 ft).
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Mind Blowing Photos of Lava

Below you will find a remarkable gallery of lava from a group of amazing photographers that braved the heat for these incredible shots. Many of the images are from lava hotspots such as Iceland, Italy(Mount Etna) and of course, Hawaii.

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