
The deepest swimming pool on Earth

Feel like doing some deep scuba diving without visiting an ocean? Then go take a trip to Nemo 33, the deepest pool in the world.
Located in Brussels, this swimming pool is perfect for learning how to dive or for fine-tuning your skills before you hit the deep ocean. It’s 105 feet (33 meters) deep with 2.5 million liters of chlorine-free warm water. But the pool isn’t just used for practice; it’s also a tourist attraction. Everyone is welcome to test dive with instructors who will provide training if you are a beginner.

The pool was created by Belgium civil engineer John Beernaerts 13 years ago.  He was sitting in a Belgium bar one day with a pen and a napkin and just started drawing. What he eventually sketched amazed even him. He envisioned a giant indoor diving complex, full of underwater tunnels and chambers. An almost byzantine maze was what Beernaerts had in mind, and that’s essentially what Nemo 33 is.  The type of pool you can get lost in if you’re not careful.
Why is the water in the pool 33 degrees Celsius (91 degrees F)?  Well,  John’s vision was to create an environment that would mimic deep-sea diving in the Caribbean.  He felt that type of an experience would be the kind that locals and tourists would enjoy the most, and given the number of people who have turned out to swim in or tour his facility since its inception, he seems to have guessed correctly.

Since 2004, over 100,000 divers have visited Nemo.  So, far, they all have come back alive.  No sharks or terrifying octopuses to contend with in these waters.  No stingrays to pinch you as you explore deep sea passageways.  No jellyfish to make you squeal as you try to make your way back to shore. No, what Mr. Beernaerts built in Brussels is nothing short of a scuba utopia. It’s one of the most unique tourist attractions in the world, and truth be told, if you’re a scuba fan, you’ll probably want to give Nemo a taste test before you die.

Amazing Pictures of Landscape Still Scarred by WWI

source Amazing Pictures of Landscape Still Scarred by WWI, Nice n Funny 
 Scars of battle: Haunting picture of a landscape near Verdun, France still shows the pockmarks and craters made in the Great War almost 100 years ago
 Historical reality: French soldiers at Verdun in 1916. Photographer Michael St Maur Sheil has taken images of the landscapes today which show signs of old battles
 Eerie relic: British photographer Michael St Maur Sheil's picture of a World War I observation post near Hebuterne, south of Dunkirk
 Fog of war: Mike St Maur Sheil's picture of a misty winter morning on the Somme - looking towards Lutyens Thiepval memorial in Picardie, France
 Setting sons: The beach at Helles, Gallipoli from a photographic collection documenting battlefields of the Great War
 Historic match: The scene at Cape Helles, Gallipoili on April 25, 1915 where 20,761 British, Australian and Indian soldiers were killed
 Haunting: The Fort de Douaument - a defence near Verdun, France which saw one million casualties in the Great War - from Mike St Maur Sheil's collection
Mists of time: Flooded fields on the Yser plain in Belgian where battle one raged. Michael St Maur Sheil's pictures reveal modern landscapes shaped by war
 Shell shock: Lochnagar Crater at the Somme as it is today. The picture is part of a collection of World War One landscapes which still bear the signs of war damage
 The big bang: The detonation of buried British mines that formed the Lochnagar crater. The blast was heard 160 miles away in London in 1917

source Amazing Pictures of Landscape Still Scarred by WWI, Nice n Funny 

 Blast damage: This image from within the crater gives a sense of its depth and the force of the explosion which created it
 Underground sanctuary: The chapel at Confrecourt in the French lines near Soissons, from a collection by British photographer Michael St Maur Sheil
 Trench footprint: The still pockmarked landscape of Beaumont Hamel on the Somme where the Newfoundland Regiment were decimated by German machine guns
 Metal detection: Mike St Maur Sheil's picture of the Somme battlefield today where farmers are still finding shells and war debris known as the 'Iron harvest'
 Monument: Grave of French soldier Edouard Ivaldi in Champagne. This is the only grave left from WW1 and still has Ivaldi's helmet marking the spot he fell in 1917
 Crossfire: German cemetery at Le Linge near the Weiss valley which was attacked by the French in 1915. Today the German tranches are remarkably well preserved.
 Laid to rest: German cemetery on the battlefield of Tete des Faux - the highest point on the Western Front. 10 million soldiers died in the conflict almost 100 years ago
 Ruins: The remains of the Chateau de Soupir after the village in northern France was cleared by elite British unit the Brigade of Guards on the 14th September 1914
 Obliterated: Original site of the village of Butte de Vaquois which was destroyed between Feb 1915 and Feb 1918. American forces captured the hill on Sept 26 1918
 Killing fields: An image of rich farmland at the Somme from a photographic collection showing how the battlefields of the Great War still shape today's landscape
 Aerial bombardment: The scarred landscape of Beaumont Hamel on the Somme taken from the air shows the wartime topography preserved after almost 100 years
Reflected glory: A peaceful pond is what remains today of the craters made by massive mines on the Messines Ridge near Ypres. Their explosion was heard in London

A Tower Constructed With 30,000 Books

Tower of Babel Built with 30,000 Books sculpture recycling interactive installation books Argentina
  Created by the talented Argentinian conceptual artist Marta Minujin. This tower is built using 30,000 books , is located at Plaza San Martin in Buenos Aires. The books were collected from donations by libraries, readers and over 50 embassies of different countries. Do you think this is a nice way to recycle books. What is your opinion?

Tower of Babel Built with 30,000 Books sculpture recycling interactive installation books Argentina

World's Top 10 Party Islands

10. Ios

This Greek island is located in the Cyclades and is renowned for its wild nightlife and exotic beaches. Ios is preferred as a party island by the youth. Chora is an important village in this island and is very scenic. It boosts white-washed houses and small alleys.
09. Saint Lucia

The island of Saint Lucia is located between the North Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea. The island has become a popular destination because of its stunning beaches, tropical weather and amazing scenery. It has a striking nightlife. Here you will find some of the most captivating nightclubs and discos that cater to all age groups.

08. Beachcomber Island

This island is also known as Mamanuca Islands and is bordered by beautiful beach. It is a popular party destination among the young holidaymakers. Beachcomber Island offers water sports, wonderful island parties, live music and entertainment and scuba diving.

07. Florianopolis

This Brazilian island is a perfect party destination and offers superb beaches, interesting culture and beautiful scenery. It is a modern city and boosts large shopping malls, exciting bars and nightclubs and high-end restaurants.

06. Hvar 

Hvar is a popular part destination, and has huge olive groves, lavender fields and fruit orchards. The winters in this island are mild and summers are sunny and warm. Hvar is bordered by smaller islands, one of the most popular island is Pakleni

source World's Top 10 Party Islands, Nice n Funny 


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